Tailcreek Raceway Covid-19 Information
- Overview
Under current Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders, businesses and entities are required to: - implement practices to minimize the risk of transmission of infection among attendees;
- provide procedures for rapid response if an attendee develops symptoms of illness;
- ensure that attendees maintain high levels of sanitation and personal hygiene;
- comply, to the extent possible, with the COVID-19 General Relaunch Guidance, this guidance, and any other applicable Alberta Health guidance found at:
This document has been developed to support horse racing park and motor raceway operators in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among attendees (including workers, volunteers, patrons and the general public). The guidance provided outlines public health and infection prevention and control measures, specific to these settings. For other non-racing entertainment in a Racing Entertainment Centre, see Guidance for Casinos and Racing Entertainment Centres.
In Stage 2, with 2 metres of distance maintained between members of different households (with the exception of cohort families), the following capacity restrictions apply:
- A maximum of 200 spectators are permitted for outdoor seated/audience events/settings.
- A maximum of 100 individuals are permitted an indoor seated/audience events/settings.
This document and the guidance within it is subject to change and will be updated as needed. Current
information related to COVID-19 can be found: https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-information.aspx
COVID-19 Risk Mitigation
- Notify attendees of the steps being taken to prevent the risk of
transmission, and the importance of their roles in these measures. - Place signage around all entries and throughout the facility outlining:
o physical distancing (floor decals can be used to mark distancing)
o prohibitions on attendance by sick or isolating persons
o hand hygiene expectations
o coughing and sneezing etiquette
o cleaning and disinfecting practices, and numbers to call to report
sanitation and distancing concerns (i.e. guest services).
o When possible, provide necessary information in languages that are
preferred by attendees. - Hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol should be available at facility entrances and exits and throughout the facility.
- Participants and spectators may be encouraged to wear non-medical
masks. - All Albertans must follow CMOH Order 05-2020, which establishes legal
requirements for quarantine and isolation.
o Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19; with a history of international
travel in the last 14 days; or with close contact with a confirmed case
of COVID-19 in the past 14 days must remain at home.
o Operators should develop a plan to provide isolation for an attendee if
needed. - Provide adequate and conveniently located garbage receptacles and
advise spectators to put all garbage in the receptacles to reduce risk to
staff. - Use contactless payment and avoid cash payments where possible.
- To support public health contact tracing efforts in the event that an
attendee tests positive, organizers should consider collecting the names
and contact information of attendees.
o Providing information is voluntary for attendees. An organization must
obtain an individual’s consent and notify them about the purpose and
legal authority for the collection.
o Information about attendees will only be requested by Alberta Health
Services if a potential exposure occurs onsite.
o For businesses/workplaces, this includes staff, workers and
volunteers on shift. Where feasible to do so, and particularly for
personal services and group events, it should also include
patrons/customers/the general public.
o Records should only be kept for 2 weeks. An organization must make
reasonable security arrangements to protect the personal information.
o Any personal information that is collected for COVID-19 contact
tracing can only be used for this purpose, unless an individual
provides their consent.
o For more information, the Office of the Information and Privacy
Commissioner has released Pandemic FAQ: Customer Lists about
collecting personal information from customers during the COVID-19
o For questions about your obligations under the Personal Information
Protection Act (PIPA), please contact the FOIP-PIPA Help Desk by
phone at 780-427-5848.
Screening & Response Plan
Operators should:
- Post signs that instruct those who may have been exposed to COVID19 to not enter.
- Consider implementing active screening of attendees (where
applicable) and staff for symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough, runny
nose or difficulty breathing.
o Operators may choose to use the Alberta Health Daily Checklist.
o The Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool can
be used by attendees to arrange testing.
A rapid response plan sets out a fast-action plan for operators when an
attendee shows symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19. - Operators should develop a plan that includes appropriate policies and
procedures based on the type of attendees specific to their services and settings. - Attendees should be familiar with and follow the operator’s rapid
response plan if an attendee starts feeling symptoms on site. This should include:
o Immediately isolating the attendee from others.
o Cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces that may have come into
contact with the symptomatic attendee.
o Requiring hand hygiene and masking of the attendee.
Physical Distancing
- Arrange seating to maintain distancing between attendees who are not from the same household or cohort. For example, assign seats, leave
seats empty between groups and leave empty rows of seating.
o Use online ticket purchasing and, where possible, discourage “walkup” admission. - Public access (including participants, media and spectators) should be
limited to controlled points of entry, with designated “in” doors, if possible.
o Where possible, assign designated entrances to different seating sections.
o Control line ups at entrances and exits.
o Staff access should be limited to one point of entry, separate from
public entry, if possible. - Elevator use protocols, such as reducing capacity, should be established
to facilitate distancing. - High-traffic areas should have one-way flow patterns and be monitored
for distancing and hygiene practices. - Consider closing urinals that are less than 2 metres apart without barriers
between them. Washroom capacity must allow for protection of guests. - Consider installing a physical barrier, such as an acrylic sheet, at all service counters to separate staff from patrons.
- Recommend that spectators stay in their seats as much as possible to avoid crowding in common areas.
- Consider how distancing will be maintained between staff and, where applicable, media.
Participant Safety
- Schedule races with enough time in between to allow the previous group
to vacate shared spaces, such as paddocks, and for staff to clean and
disinfect high-touch surfaces before the next group arrives. - Limit the number of people in participant areas to only those necessary
for vehicle safety and animal welfare.
o Avoid group photography (e.g., “winners photos”) and podium
ceremonies. - Consider limiting the number of races, or the number of participants in races, to facilitate distancing.
- Follow national and provincial travel advisories and orders for participants.
- Animal Racing: Consider physical distancing measures for jockeys, trainers and animal carers etc. such as modifying time requirements for reporting to staging and preparation areas.
- Vehicle Racing: Consider physical distancing measures for drivers, mechanics and others, such as staggering vehicle maintenance times if space does not permit distancing between groups.
- Shared-use vehicle racing (e.g. go-karts): Clean and disinfect helmets
and high-touch surfaces in vehicles such as steering wheels, seat belts, etc.
Food Service
- Food service providers are required to follow the Food Regulation and
Food Retail and Foodservices Code and existing occupational health
and safety requirements.
o Operators should also follow the COVID-19 General Relaunch Guidance and the Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, and Bars Guidance. - Buffets and self service options may only be offered if facilitated and
overseen by a commercial caterer who holds a food handling permit in
accordance with the Guidance for Restaurant, Cafés, Pubs and Bars.
Cleaning and Disinfection
- Regularly clean and disinfect high touch surfaces such as door handles,
railings, chairs, customer counters, ATMs and payment devices. - Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in public washrooms, staff rooms and participant locker rooms.
- Keep washrooms clean and well-stocked with soap and paper towels.
- If portable restrooms are used, they should include hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol or hand washing stations with soap, paper towel and foot-activated devices adjacent to the units.
- Clean and disinfect any shared-use equipment after participants or staff use.
- Maintain cleaning logs and an inventory of supplies.
- Respond immediately to sanitation concerns.
- Arrange staffrooms and schedule break times to allow physical distancing.
- Designate lockers and storage spaces to individual workers.
- Ensure staff have access to hand washing facilities and/or hand sanitizer as required.
- Encourage staff to launder uniforms between shifts, as appropriate.
- Staff may wear non-medical masks